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Kubernetes Issues and Security

1 - Kubernetes Issue Tracker

To report a security issue, please follow the Kubernetes security disclosure process.

Work on Kubernetes code and public issues are tracked using GitHub Issues.

Security-related announcements are sent to the mailing list.

2 - Kubernetes Security and Disclosure Information

This page describes Kubernetes security and disclosure information.

Security Announcements

Join the kubernetes-security-announce group for emails about security and major API announcements.

Report a Vulnerability

We're extremely grateful for security researchers and users that report vulnerabilities to the Kubernetes Open Source Community. All reports are thoroughly investigated by a set of community volunteers.

To make a report, submit your vulnerability to the Kubernetes bug bounty program. This allows triage and handling of the vulnerability with standardized response times.

You can also email the private list with the security details and the details expected for all Kubernetes bug reports.

You may encrypt your email to this list using the GPG keys of the Security Response Committee members. Encryption using GPG is NOT required to make a disclosure.

When Should I Report a Vulnerability?

  • You think you discovered a potential security vulnerability in Kubernetes
  • You are unsure how a vulnerability affects Kubernetes
  • You think you discovered a vulnerability in another project that Kubernetes depends on
    • For projects with their own vulnerability reporting and disclosure process, please report it directly there

When Should I NOT Report a Vulnerability?

  • You need help tuning Kubernetes components for security
  • You need help applying security related updates
  • Your issue is not security related

Security Vulnerability Response

Each report is acknowledged and analyzed by Security Response Committee members within 3 working days. This will set off the Security Release Process.

Any vulnerability information shared with Security Response Committee stays within Kubernetes project and will not be disseminated to other projects unless it is necessary to get the issue fixed.

As the security issue moves from triage, to identified fix, to release planning we will keep the reporter updated.

Public Disclosure Timing

A public disclosure date is negotiated by the Kubernetes Security Response Committee and the bug submitter. We prefer to fully disclose the bug as soon as possible once a user mitigation is available. It is reasonable to delay disclosure when the bug or the fix is not yet fully understood, the solution is not well-tested, or for vendor coordination. The timeframe for disclosure is from immediate (especially if it's already publicly known) to a few weeks. For a vulnerability with a straightforward mitigation, we expect report date to disclosure date to be on the order of 7 days. The Kubernetes Security Response Committee holds the final say when setting a disclosure date.

3 - Official CVE Feed

FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.27 [beta]

This is a community maintained list of official CVEs announced by the Kubernetes Security Response Committee. See Kubernetes Security and Disclosure Information for more details.

The Kubernetes project publishes a programmatically accessible feed of published security issues in JSON feed and RSS feed formats. You can access it by executing the following commands:

Link to JSON format

curl -Lv

Link to RSS format

curl -Lv
Official Kubernetes CVE List (last updated: 03 Nov 2023 15:07:14 UTC)
CVE ID Issue Summary CVE GitHub Issue URL
CVE-2023-3955 Insufficient input sanitization on Windows nodes leads to privilege escalation #119595
CVE-2023-3676 Insufficient input sanitization on Windows nodes leads to privilege escalation #119339
CVE-2023-2431 Bypass of seccomp profile enforcement #118690
CVE-2023-2727, CVE-2023-2728 Bypassing policies imposed by the ImagePolicyWebhook and bypassing mountable secrets policy imposed by the ServiceAccount admission plugin #118640
CVE-2023-2878 secrets-store-csi-driver discloses service account tokens in logs #118419
CVE-2022-3294 Node address isn't always verified when proxying #113757
CVE-2022-3162 Unauthorized read of Custom Resources #113756
CVE-2022-3172 Aggregated API server can cause clients to be redirected (SSRF) #112513
CVE-2021-25749 `runAsNonRoot` logic bypass for Windows containers #112192
CVE-2021-25741 Symlink Exchange Can Allow Host Filesystem Access #104980
CVE-2021-25737 Holes in EndpointSlice Validation Enable Host Network Hijack #102106
CVE-2021-3121 Processes may panic upon receipt of malicious protobuf messages #101435
CVE-2021-25735 Validating Admission Webhook does not observe some previous fields #100096
CVE-2020-8554 Man in the middle using LoadBalancer or ExternalIPs #97076
CVE-2020-8566 Ceph RBD adminSecrets exposed in logs when loglevel >= 4 #95624
CVE-2020-8565 Incomplete fix for CVE-2019-11250 allows for token leak in logs when logLevel >= 9 #95623
CVE-2020-8564 Docker config secrets leaked when file is malformed and log level >= 4 #95622
CVE-2020-8563 Secret leaks in kube-controller-manager when using vSphere provider #95621
CVE-2020-8557 Node disk DOS by writing to container /etc/hosts #93032
CVE-2020-8559 Privilege escalation from compromised node to cluster #92914
CVE-2020-8558 Node setting allows for neighboring hosts to bypass localhost boundary #92315
CVE-2020-8555 Half-Blind SSRF in kube-controller-manager #91542
CVE-2020-10749 IPv4 only clusters susceptible to MitM attacks via IPv6 rogue router advertisements #91507
CVE-2019-11254 kube-apiserver Denial of Service vulnerability from malicious YAML payloads #89535
CVE-2020-8552 apiserver DoS (oom) #89378
CVE-2020-8551 Kubelet DoS via API #89377
CVE-2019-11251 kubectl cp symlink vulnerability #87773
CVE-2018-1002102 Unvalidated redirect #85867
CVE-2019-11255 CSI volume snapshot, cloning and resizing features can result in unauthorized volume data access or mutation #85233
CVE-2019-11253 Kubernetes API Server JSON/YAML parsing vulnerable to resource exhaustion attack #83253
CVE-2019-11250 Bearer tokens are revealed in logs #81114
CVE-2019-11248 /debug/pprof exposed on kubelet's healthz port #81023
CVE-2019-11249 Incomplete fixes for CVE-2019-1002101 and CVE-2019-11246, kubectl cp potential directory traversal #80984
CVE-2019-11247 API server allows access to custom resources via wrong scope #80983
CVE-2019-11245 container uid changes to root after first restart or if image is already pulled to the node #78308
CVE-2019-11243 rest.AnonymousClientConfig() does not remove the serviceaccount credentials from config created by rest.InClusterConfig() #76797
CVE-2019-11244 `kubectl:-http-cache=<world-accessible dir>` creates world-writeable cached schema files #76676
CVE-2019-1002100 json-patch requests can exhaust apiserver resources #74534
CVE-2018-1002105 proxy request handling in kube-apiserver can leave vulnerable TCP connections #71411
CVE-2018-1002101 smb mount security issue #65750
CVE-2018-1002100 Kubectl copy doesn't check for paths outside of it's destination directory. #61297
CVE-2017-1002102 atomic writer volume handling allows arbitrary file deletion in host filesystem #60814
CVE-2017-1002101 subpath volume mount handling allows arbitrary file access in host filesystem #60813
CVE-2017-1002100 Azure PV should be Private scope not Container scope #47611
CVE-2017-1000056 PodSecurityPolicy admission plugin authorizes incorrectly #43459

This feed is auto-refreshing with a noticeable but small lag (minutes to hours) from the time a CVE is announced to the time it is accessible in this feed.

The source of truth of this feed is a set of GitHub Issues, filtered by a controlled and restricted label official-cve-feed. The raw data is stored in a Google Cloud Bucket which is writable only by a small number of trusted members of the Community.